Discover the latest updates in Cppcheck Premium version 24.11.0!
Cppcheck's latest update includes fixes for false positives and negatives across CERT C++, MISRA C/C++, and other standards, along with improved buffer overflow detection and MISRA compliance reporting. New checkers have been added for CERT C rules and undefined behavior detection. The update also introduces enhanced macOS support with compliance reporting tools and a new Git-based license system, while removing unnecessary artifacts from source folders after analysis.
Fixed false positives:
- Cert C++: ARR38, CTR52, DCL54, ERR60, EXP45
- Misra C: Dir 4.4, 10.1
- Misra C++ 2008: 3-1-1
- Misra C++ 2023: 0.2.2, 6.8.4, 7.0.2, 15.0.1, 15.1.3, 21.2.2, 21.6.1
- Infinity loop
Fixed false negatives:
- Cert C: MEM33, MEM36, STR34
- Misra C 20.7, 21.20
- Bughunting finds more buffer overflows in juliet testsuite
Fixed crashes:
- Fixed compliance report:
- Misra C reports should be compliant even if certain directives are not executed
- Handle --xml-version=3 output from Cppcheck
Added checkers:
- Cert C: PRE00, PRE01, PRE04, PRE09, PRE11
- Use after free, improved new checker in premium
- New check: Detect undefined behavior when creating invalid constant pointer
- Add compliance-report
- Add cppcheck-id-mapping.json
- Add htmlreport script
- There will be no *.ctu-info artifacts left in the source folders after checking files anymore.
- A new git-based license has been added