Cppcheck News

Cppcheck Premium 24.2.0 released

Written by Daniel Marjamäki | Feb 5, 2024 8:35:00 PM

We are happy to announce the release of Cppcheck Premium 24.2.0!

This update addresses numerous false positives and a crash related to non-existent source files in project files. It fixes issues with running the premium addon in the GUI and ensures all relevant style checkers are run for MISRA/CERT/AUTOSAR compliance. The GUI now supports generating compliance reports for CERT C, CERT C++, and MISRA C++, including "unmapped" warnings/errors. There's improved validation of command-line arguments and handling of the `--premium=safety` option. MISRA C checking has been enhanced for multiple rules, and two missing checkers for MISRA C++ 2008 have been implemented. The update, based on Cppcheck 2.13.3, also significantly speeds up MISRA C checking.

Release notes:

  • Fix several false positives
  • Fix crash when source files listed in a project file do not exist
  • Fix problem running premiumaddon in GUI
  • Run all related style checkers in cppcheck when misra/cert/autosar is enabled.
  • GUI: make it possible to generate Cert C, Cert C++ and Misra C++ compliance reports
  • Compliance reports: show "unmapped" warnings/errors.
  • Better validation of command line arguments
  • Better handling of "--premium=safety" option.
  • Misra C: improved checking of 8.3, 10.8, 13.2, 13.4, 13.5, 15.5, 16.3, 17.3, 17.9, 17.13, 18.5, 18.8, 18.9, 21.1, 21.16
  • Misra C++ 2008: it was discovered 2 checkers was missing; 0-3-2, 10-3-2. Implemented checkers for these.
  • Significant speedup in Misra C checking
  • Based on Cppcheck-2.13.3