Cppcheck News

We release new versions of our software on a monthly basis. Please follow us on Linkedin or subscribe to our RSS-feed on sourceforge to ensure you don't miss any updates.

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Software update

Cppcheck Premium 24.11.0 released

Cppcheck Premium 24.11.0 update enhances MISRA and CERT C/C++ checking, improves buffer overflow detection, adds new checkers, and introduces...

Software update

Cppcheck Premium 24.9.0 released

Cppcheck Premium 24.9.0 introduces key improvements across MISRA and CERT coding standards, resolving various false positives and negatives. The...

Software update

Cppcheck Premium 24.6.0 released

The Cppcheck Premium 24.6.0 update introduces important enhancements, including improved MISRA C and C++ checking, fixes for false positives, and...

Software update

Cppcheck Premium 24.5.1 released

Discover the latest updates in Cppcheck Premium version 24.5.0! This release brings enhancements, including the implementation of all Misra C++ 2023...

Software update

Cppcheck Premium 24.5.0 released

Discover the latest updates in Cppcheck Premium version 24.5.0! This release brings enhancements, including the implementation of all Misra C++ 2023...

Software update

Cppcheck Premium 24.2.1 released

Cppcheck Premium 24.2.1 released with CERT C and MISRA C enhancements, improved compliance reports, and bug fixes. Stay updated with the latest...

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